Direct versus Indirect Assessment: This guide defines and differentiates direct and indirect assessments and includes examples of assessments and online tools that can be used in an experiential setting.
Guided Reflection Questions for Service-Learning: This is a list of reflection questions to ask students in a service-learning course. The list includes questions to ask before, during, and after the service-learning experience. The questions can be modified to fit other types of experiential learning.
Collaboration Rubric: This is an analytical rubric that measures student achievement of collaboration and teamwork in an experiential learning setting. The rubric works well as a direct assessment of student group-work behavior.
Choosing the Right Assessment Tools: This guide provides the pros and cons of various assessment strategies.
Rubrics for Experiential Learning: This guide outlines the various types of rubrics that instructors may use for experiential learning coursework, as well as providing examples of each rubric.