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High Impact Practices Advisory Group

The High Impact Practices Advisory Group is no longer active. However, during the active years of our Experience Learning QEP it played a key role in helping the university implement, grow, and assess a successful QEP.


The term, “High Impact Practices,” comes from the Association of American Colleges and Universities’ definition of high impact education practices, as supported by the research of Dr. George Kuh. At the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, our Experience Learning initiative overlapped with many of the high-touted, researched, and supported educational practices that have been proven to increase retention, strengthen persistence towards graduation, and grow graduation rates of students across the United States and beyond. Our QEP was rooted in these opportunities, and in collaboration with the offices, units, and centers below, we sought to ensure that our students became more successful by participating in these educational opportunities.


The purpose of the Experience Learning High Impact Practices (H.I.P.) Advisory Group was:

  • to increase access for more students to participate in high impact practices,
  • to create and support faculty development opportunities for UT faculty and staff who teach using high impact practices in their classrooms and other educational experiences, and
  • to work together to form a coalition of collaboration amongst campus offices and units at UT in order to support the growth of high impact practices on our campus.


The HIP Group comprised members from departments across the university charged with providing high-impact opportunities to our students. The group began during the spring semester in 2016 and actively met through the spring semester of 2022. Our QEP would not have been successful without these and other colleagues at UT.  The list below identifies the members of the group during its active period, and their affiliations at that time.

Member Name Campus Office/Center/Unit University Division
Jennifer Gramling Online Learning & Academic Programs Academic Affairs

Michael Saenz

Programs Abroad Office Academic Affairs
Mandie Beeler Center for Leadership & Service Office Student Life
Stephanie Kit Center for Career Development & Academic Exploration Student Life
Jessica Osborne
First Year Programs Academic Affairs
Clayton Alexander Office of Admissions/Enrollment Management Academic Affairs
Anna Sandelli University Libraries Academic Affairs
Toni Jackson Academic Success Center Academic Affairs
Andrew Seidler Office of Undergraduate Research & Fellowships Academic Affairs
Rebekah Page Honors & Scholars Programs Academic Affairs
Brent Lamons Academic Advising Academic Affairs
NaQuaina Moore Office of Multicultural Student Life Student Life
Mark Willoughby Office of Student Engagement,
Haslam College of Business
Haslam College of Business, Academic Affairs
Nicole Bryant Office of Community Engagement & Outreach Diversity & Engagement
Molly Sullivan Office of the University Registrar Enrollment Management
Chris Lavan Teaching & Learning Innovation Academic Affairs
Wes Romeiser Teaching & Learning Innovation Academic Affairs
Virginia Stormer *  Teaching & Learning Innovation Academic Affairs