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UT-Knoxville’s QEP, Experience Learning (2015-2020), provided our students with more opportunities to be involved in civic engagement, solve complex real-world problems, and contribute to the welfare of their communities as part of their regular course work.

We are glad to report that the implementation of our QEP is now complete, and we received a letter from SACS-COC, our regional accreditor, that our institution’s QEP Impact Report passed the Fifth-Year Report Committee’s review. Now we are continuing the work, using the momentum gained over the past 5 years, to expand these opportunities to more students across our university.

Our Experience Learning Dashboards are now available to campus partners for viewing and use. Through partnerships and relationships with university units and colleges built over the course of the QEP implementation process, we have collected data about experiential learning student participation across our campus dating back to 2015.

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